
Emotions: Energy In Motion

Our bodies are the medium through which our spirit and consciousness interface with the physical world.

When we bring awareness to our visceral experience, we are inviting aliveness. Qi, prana, energy. From something as simple as noticing how your breath feels in your diaphragm, to a movement so grand you glide across the room with arms wide open, it’s inherently perfect. In the moments when we include all of ourselves, we are energetically integrating and moving closer to our wholeness.

As we make space to sense what movements want to come from our bodies, we are also opening up to their messages. There is deep knowing in our instincts, and our energy innately knows which way it wants to move. Conscious movement, truly embodied movement, brings us home.

  • Shake Your Soul®: The Yoga of Dance

    Shake Your Soul® is a movement practice that relaxes your nervous system, energizes your body, and awakens your soul through a powerful, fluid dance repertoire set to world music