In Service of Spirit


Coming Home to the Body

We are birthed embodied, each one of us a stunning soul animating a brilliant body. One way or another, we lose track of the magic we are, and the methods we used to protect ourselves historically turn into the ways in which we inhibit ourselves. To return home, means healing the depths of why we’ve moved away from center in the first place.

  • A heart-centered and body-informed process that incorporates somatic inquiry, therapeutic dialogue, mindfulness, and expressive arts to explore discomforts and cultivate ease

  • Classes and practices that aim to open connection to universal life force energy, encourage presence in the body, and are an invitation to more deeply get to know your human experience

  • A tool rooted in traditional NLP and energetic principals to reprogram the limiting beliefs we unconsciously navigate life from, that offers support and freedom on the healing journey

  • Self care products and routines to cultivate a loving relationship to and support the body in expressing it’s radiance


We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.

Anaïs Nin

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